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She walks as if she were a dancer. ® Consider what kind of transform ation is required, e. Every one o f the children came up with an excuse.
My TV was repaired yesterday. JECTIVES2 describe the qualities o f nouns. You m ay use some of the words m ore than once. Кол-во страниц: 186 ISBN: 978-960-443-928-7 Описание: This book systematically teaches grammar and vocabulary and helps students develop all the skills necessary to succeed in all exams at B2 level. ® Jam es didn't use to sm oke so m uch. You have got to take this syrup three times a day.
This has 23 responsible for a whole new generation becoming interested in ballooning either for scientific 24 sporting reasons. Note the fo llow in g changes in: Verbs w ith tw o objects Question words what, who, when, where, why, how Active Voice He gave her a painting. Файлы для обмена на трекере предоставлены пользователями сайта, и администрация не несёт ответственности за их содержание.
Use of English B2 for all exames (Teacher´s Book) - Recently, however, the Dutch flo w e r growers have been 15 having d ifficu ltie s in coping w ith the tough com p etitio n from abroad.
M outsou Published by: M M Publications www. Copyright © 2009 MM Publications All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers. Produced in the EU C1103002007-5239 ISBN: 978-960-443-928-7 btradm tm U se of English B2 for the FC E Exam ination and other exam s is intended for B2 level students. It systematically teaches grammar and vocabulary and prepares students thoroughly for all exams. The FCE Use of English Paper contains four parts and lasts 45 minutes. The task types and the number of questions in each part are presented in the following table. The vocabulary and grammar taught has been distributed in 12 units Units 1-4, 6-9 and 11-14 , each of which s divided into two sections. In the first section, in units 1,3,6,8,11,13 there is a selection of collocations and expressions, while in units 2,4, 7, 9,12,14 there is a selection of prepositional phrases. This section ends with two exercises which are similar in format to tasks in the FCE Use of English paper and ECCE Grammar and Vocabulary sections, but which test only the items taught in the corresponding unit. In the second section, a number of groups of easily confused words and derivatives are presented and practised, followed by two exercises which test only the items taught in the corresponding unit. Units 5,10 and 15 are consolidation units which revise the material previously taught. The Final FCE Test and Final ECCE Test are modelled on the Cambridge Use of English Paper and on the Grammar and Vocabulary sections of the University of Michigan Examination for the ECCE. The reference section at the end of the book includes an overview of English Grammar, vocabulary notes with definitions of easily confused words, exam tips and three appendices. These appendices alphabetically present prepositional phrases, words with prepositions and derivatives. The first section is the Student's Book with the answers overprinted. The second section includes notes for the teacher and three photocopiable Revision Tests with Key. Use each one o n ly once. Com plete the collocation s below w ith the w ords in the box. You m ay use some of the words m ore than once. In some cases m ore than one w ord m ay be correct. A COME 1 While cleaning the basement, I came across something I thought I had lost years ago. My parents are expecting me for dinner. Adjectives Nouns Verbs excellent an answer associate experienced an expert concentrate oraise sb sth sth sth provide sb sth provide sth sb haDDV sb take pride conaratulate sb haDDV sth a reply cooDerate proud a report deal sudd Iv sb sth respected an opportunity include sudd Iv sth sb sb succeed responsible B Read the fo llow in g sentences and com plete them w ith prepositions. What you did was wrong! A ll m issing w ords are a u x ilia ry verbs is, was, have, has, had, do, does, did etc. B Pu t the verbs in brackets into the Past Sim ple, Past Progressive, Presen t Perfect Sim ple or Presen t Perfect Progressive and com plete the boxes w ith the tim e w ords below. Use each tim e w ord o n ly once. Where is he now, Mum? What am I going to tell my boss? She is still there. M y sister she loves cats. I bought this bike two years ago. Past Simple + ago There is a book on the table. I have had this bike for two years. I have had this bike since I was sixteen. Only one time word in each sentence. I haven't studied for a week, refers to the past: The last time I studied was a week ago. James didn't use to smoke so much. He does eat snails. The last time I saw her was a year ago. It is the first time I have ever been to Malta. I last saw her a year ago. I had never been to Malta before. It has been a year since I last saw her. It was the first time I had ever been to Malta. It is a year since I last saw her. When did he start working? How long has he been working? How long is it since he started working? Use o n ly one w ord in each space. Within this system a person had to exchange one thing for another. The answer is simple. Coins were much easier to handle and carry around. Since then, the use of coins has become widespread. In recent years, paper money has become more common all over the world, as it is easier to use. You m ust use betw een tw o and five w ords, in clu d in g the w ord given. You m ay use some of the words m ore than once. In som e cases, m ore than one w ord m ay be correct. B task course duty of cleaning the room after the meeting. A Look at the sentences below. W h at p art of speech verb, noun, ad jective or adverb is each of the w ords in bold typ e? The two patterns differ from each other. There is a difference between the two patterns. This pattern is different from that one. The two patterns have been differently designed. A lot of English words can be used as roots for the formation of other words, which are called derivatives. Most adverbs, for instance, are formed by adding the ending -ly to the root adjective. A success B successfully C successful C Read the sentences below and decide w hat part of speech is m issing. Then, com plete the sentences w ith the correct form of the w ords in capitals. DANGER 4 August is a Part of speech:................... I rem em ber the intervie w as though 6 were yesterday. The personnel m anager sat behind a large desk. He asked me various questions w hich surprised me because all I w anted was to w ork in sales. An hour later, I was to ld th a t I had g ot the jo b and was given a co ntract to go 7. I was to be trained fo r ten days before I to ok m y post. When I eventually started, I was responsible 9. I really enjoyed it there and I loved dem onstrating the differen t toys. On the whole, w orking there was a great experience which I will never forget. At one point, NORMAL while waiting to get on a ride, he disappeared. Apparently, Alex had seen a famous basketball player and wanted his autograph. So, think carefully before deciding on having one done. B PULL, THROW 1 T h e authoritie s de cla re d the b u ildin g unsafe and had it pulled down get rid of sth unwanted immediately. Words with Prepositions A Com plete the blanks w ith prepositions. Grammar Revision Relative Clauses - Clauses of Time See Grammar Review page 148 A , Read the text belo w and complete each blank with one word. A ll the missing w ords are relative pronouns or adverbs. B Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. A as soon as 10 B since C until D while we got back to the hotel, it was already dark. I have 3,000 stamps, some of which are valuable. S the relative clause. When I grow up, I want to become a dentist. Students wishing to go on the day-trip should write their names on this list. NOTE: When you are asked to complete a sentence with a suitable word deriving from a given root, read the sentence carefully to decide: 1 what part of speech the missing word is noun, verb, adjective or adverb , 2 if the missing word has the same meaning as the given root e. There is no need to panic. HARM Exam ination Practice A Read the text belo w and decide which answ er A, B, C or D best fits each space. Parts of that particular night are so vivid that I can still picture myself as though it were yesterday. Finally, it was time for the curtain to go up. In the end, we proved the director wrong and everything went like clockwork. Com plete them w ith prepositions. Did you know that she had broken her leg? Your views can sometimes be extreme. C Read the sentences and com plete them w ith the co rrect form of the verbs hold, run, catch or keep. Only my aunt has brown eyes. The pavement is broken and you might trip. B CHECK, WATCH, SHO W be careful about 1 We were told to check in at the airport as early as possible. Adjectives Nouns Verbs accustomed. Have we been here before? Grammar Revision Adverbs - Comparisons - Articles - Uncountables See G ram m ar R e v ie w p age 150 A Read the text b e lo w and complete each blank with one word. Very quickly he developed a personal style, which made him famous. Nevertheless, he has to be seen as one of the most influential designers of his generation. B Choose A, B, C o r D to com plete the fo llo w in g dialogue. Jim: Have you made up your mind about where to go on holiday? What do you think? I'd rather go to Mexico and eat tortillas and chilli every day! ® John gave me some important information. Uncountable nouns have no plural forms. John-gave mo an importart-information. ® The news was really shocking. Uncountable nouns go with singular verbs. Gina is shorter than Fiona. Gina is not as tall as Fiona. John smokes less than Andrew. John does not smoke as much as Andrew. John is not such a heavy smoker as Andrew. I have never driven such a fast car. I have never driven a faster car than this one. I have never driven a car as fast as this one. The atmosphere is becoming more and more polluted. ® His behaviour is becoming more sensible as he gets older. The older he gets, the more sensible his behaviour becomes. The older he gets, the more sensibly he behaves. He has got very little furniture in his new flat. He has got very few pieces of furniture in his new flat. ® George is not usually late. It is not typical of George to be late. It is not like George to be late. ® Your bicycle looks exactly like mine. Your bicycle is exactly the same as mine. Your bicycle is identical to mine. Use only one word in each space. A TALENT FOR LYING Although we are all natural born liars, most of us seem to take it for granted that lying 1 bad. However, psychologists argue that lying is just 2 im portant as any other social skill we possess. B Complete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar m eaning to the first sentence, using the w ord given unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the w ord given. You may t-e som e of the words more than once. In some cases, more than one w ord may be correct. CAUTION 6 PARENT can be an enjo ya b le experie nce. POISON Examination Practice A H Read the text below and decide w h ich answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. A n o t h e r aspect of child rearing is teaching children limits and rules. Setting limits on children must o c c u r on a daily basis. Overall, child rearing is no easy task but it is certainly a challenge and a learning experience. ARTHRITIS Arthritis is a general term for aches and pains in the body's joints. Although some believe that joint replacement may be 9 numerous patients are COST 10 waiting for this medical ANXIOUS breakthrough. It will be pulling in any minute now. I can return it within fifteen days. C Complete the sentences with the p re p o sitio n a l p h ra se s in the box below. A KEEP, HOLD, CATCH 1 The government kept back vital information concerning the oil spill. Keep up the good work! CARRY, WEAR, WORK, MOVE 1 It was impossible for Alison to carry on working after receiving start living in the bad news. I must get new ones. Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. Grammar Revision Determiners - Pronouns See G ram m ar R e v ie w page 152 A Read the follow ing text and com plete each blank w ith one word. B Choose A, B, C or D to com plete the follow ing sentences. A Either 5 B Either of C Neither D Neither of of the members of the committee came up with a different proposal. A all 8 Ball of C whole D complete of the two girls was given a bicycle as a Christmas present. S Either book is interesting. S There is a little milk left in the fridge. S There-aretft much strawberries left in the fridge. We spent the whole morning studying. Jim likes playing tennis and Jack does, too. There was little to see in the gallery. Jim likes playing tennis and so does Jack. Both Jim and Jack dislike football. Very few of the students went to the demonstration. Neither Jim nor Jack like s football. Hardly anyone went to the demonstration. Hardly any of the students went to the demonstration. Use only one word in each space. So, what can people do to fight allergies? In other words, if one parent suffers from allergies, the child has a th irty percent chance of being allergic, too. B Complete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar meaning to the first sentence, using the w ord given unchanged. You must use betw een two and five words, including the w ord given. You m ay some of the w ords m ore than once. In some cases, m ore than one w ord m ay be correct. Surprisingly, I get there faster than when I used to drive my car there. The most common ones are: free freedom wise wisdom i. ART 11 Children should be. Last week, while I was heading for the airport, I realised I had left my passport at home. Obviously, I had to go back so I asked the taxi driver to turn around and take me home. One must also 7 the fact that sanitary conditions in developing countries are rather EMPHASIS 8. NUTRITION 5 SECTION 1 FCE format E! There is an example at the beginning 0. The winter months were endless and everything was covered in snow. I'd follow the bear tracks and search for them. I stood still until she stopped growling and walked away. Of course, this was possible only during the warm months. The place became deserted once again. Use o n ly one w ord in -ich space. There is an exam ple at the beginning 0. The balloon rose more than 1. Five months later, in November 1783, history was made once more when the first flight carrying passengers left the ground. The volunteers took off from Paris and remained in the air for over twenty minutes. Soon afterwards, scientists all over Europe became interested 20 the potential of ballooning, and it wasn't long before the activity became very popular. In the twentieth century, hot-air ballooning was re-introduced, due to a much improved propane burner. This has 23 responsible for a whole new generation becoming interested in ballooning either for scientific 24 sporting reasons. Use the w ord given in capitals at the end of each lin e to form a w ord that fits in the space in the same lin e. There is an exam ple at the beginning 0. I 2 5 3 QL For questions 35-42, com plete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar m eaning to the first sentence, using the w ord given. Do not change the w ord given. You m ust use betw een tw o and five w ords, in clu din g the w ord given. There is an exam ple at the beginning 0. Example: 0 When I was younger, I played tennis every Sunday. Two masked men held Mr. He said that he will rent a bigger house when he a. What we had in was an interest in 7. It is Fay s. During the gold rush, many settlers travelled to b. Com plete the boxes w ith the verbs m ake or do and the blanks w ith prepositions. C Com plete the blanks w ith the verbs break, change, tu rn or draw. Use each expression o n ly once. A MAKE, DO, GROW 1 The thieves made off with all the precious artefacts in the museum. B PASS, FILL, LEAVE 1 Our neighbour, who was 75 years old, passed away a few months ago. Grammar Revision Infinitive, -ing form See G ram m ar R e v ie w p age 153 Com plete the sentences below w ith the bare infinitive, the full infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets. You can use either the Present or the Perfect form. Judy was made to apologise for lying. There's no point in discussing this matter any further. Susan took one hour to dye her hair. Susan spent one hour dyeing her hair. It is not worth discussing this matter any further. This matter is not worth discussing any further. She found it difficult to work long hours. The climbers did not manage to reach the mountain peak. It was difficult for her to work long hours. The climbers did not succeed in reaching the mountain She had difficulty in working long hours. I expect them to arrive soon. They are expected to arrive soon. I suggest planning a surprise party for him. The climbers were not successful in reaching the mountain peak. The climbers were unsuccessful in reaching the mountain peak. W hy not plan a surprise party for him? How about planning a surprise party for him? Use only one w ord in each space. Thousands of years later, the same idea still applies. However, water itself is not enough; a balanced diet is essential, too. In short, following this simple advice surely helps in having a healthy mind and body. B Complete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar m eaning to the first sentence, using the w ord given unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the w ord given. You m ay use ;ome of the w ords m ore than once. In som e cases m ore than one w ord m ay be correct. I'll pay you back on Friday. I got it for half the price. Only a billionaire could afford to buy them. You've helped me a great deal. The most common negative prefixes are un-, in-, dis- and mis-. AGREE 13 She's a very. She wants everything done immediately. He can't have said that. UNDERSTAND Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide w h ich answ er A, B, C or D best fits each space. Recently, however, there have been great changes in the way people purchase goods. Most consumers, though, prefer to buy things using their credit cards. Apart from the fact that credit cards are handy, some stores offer bonus points to people making purchases, while others give 7 on certain products. On the other hand, credit cards must be used wisely because they can prove disastrous. So, they end up in 11. HOMEWORK Homework is a part of every student's school life. This makes them feel 4 and some even become physically sick when under pressure. ADEQUATE Prepositional Phrases A Complete the blanks with prepositions. You look rather worried. Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the correct num ber in the box next to each definition. A BREAK, BURN 1 I'm buying a new car because my old one keeps breaking down. Tell them to cut it out! It's very hot in here. Grammar Revision M odal Verbs See G ram m ar R e v ie w page 155 Read the short texts belo w and complete each blank with one word. A ll the missing w ords are m odal verbs can, could, may, should etc. He hasn't been well lately. To make matters worse, an overweight lady standing next to me wanted to get off at one point. She nearly squashed me to death! You should wash your car. Peter would wash his car every Saturday. S Peter used to wash his car every Saturday. Modal verbs are followed by a bare infinitive without 'to'. Note: have to, ought to and used to. Q Jonathan can play tennis very well. Jonathan could play tennis when he was ten years old. If it doesn't rain, we'll be able to play tennis. I haven't been able to contact Mike this week. Q I must go to bed early tonight. I have to get up early every morning. I had to return some books to the library yesterday. I've never had to wait for more than ten minutes at the doctor's surgery. We'll have to work hard on our project next week. He must be home now. Negative deductions about thepast Ruth needs to see the doctor today. Does Ruth need to see the doctor today? They didn't need to return the books to the library today. They needn't have returned thebooksto the library today. Do you mind if I turn the music down? Would you mind my turning the music down? I wonder if I could turn the music down. Your room needs tidying. Your room needs to be tidied. It is necessary for you to tidy your room. It is necessary that you tidy your room. It is not necessary for you to go shopping. There is no need for you to go shopping. ® It was not necessary for you to go to the doctor. There was no need for you to go to the doctor. You needn't have gone to the doctor. My grandfather used to go fishing every morning. My grandfather would go fishing every morning. The students were not able to finish the project. The students were unable to finish the project. The students did not succeed in finishing the project. You had better take some time off work. The best thing you could do is take some time off work. The best thing for you to do is take some time off work. Susan hates Maths and Chemistry but she's really 8. The climbers didn't succeed. You must use between two and five words, including the w ord given. Words easily confused Jse the correct form of the w ords in the boxes to complete the sentences in each group A-H below. You may use some of the w ords more than once. In some cases m ore than one w ord may be correct. I deserve it because I've worked hard all year. B realise understand recognise meet introduce present appreciate 1 One day I'd like to. It really came in during the summer. Would you like to go to the cinema? G absence means of transport compared to buses and trains. Could you lend me some money? She was, however, rather BROAD DARK about how dark it would become. LITERATE Examination Practice A Read the text belo w and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. NEW YEAR I New Year celebrations date as far back as 2000 BC in Mesopotamia. Yet, the actual date has changed a number of times. Some cultures, however, celebrate the New Year at various times, according to their calendar and religious traditions. For example, the Chinese celebrate it between the 21st of January and the 19th of February. In any case, the New Year is a festive occasion. Some people celebrate at home with no 5. I knew that my ordeal would test my 4. It was exactly mm; IMPORTANT the location. I inspected numerous houses and finally found one I was happy with. I needed considering the short 10. C Com plete the b lanks w ith the verbs m iss, or lose. Im on the way have it your way way ahead come a long way one way or another there's no way way of thinking way of life said the manager in a determined voice. Will I see you there? We want to move this big box. Our flight was delayed for an unknown reason. He is so annoying! I don't dare to challenge him because of his close friendship with the manager. I would not have a problem telling him a thing or two. Phrasal Verbs Read the sentences on the left and m atch the phrasal verbs w ith th eir defin ition s on the right by w ritin g the correct num ber in the box next to each d efinition. A PUT devote to 1 Even though it was summer, I still needed to put on a jumper at night. I'll put you through to Mr Jones. It should look beautiful in spring. See G ram m ar R e v ie w page 157 Read the text below and com plete each b lank w ith one word. We bought Susan a new camera. We heard him say that he was guilty. What caused the power failure? When asking about the agent of apassive sentence, by must be included in the question. She couldn't sleep because she was terrified by the horror film. They accused Harry of stealing the money. In the Passive Voice thepreposition of prepositional verbs goes immediately after the verb. Mary made the children wash their hands. The children were made to wash their hands. The forest was destroyed by fire. The photograph was taken with an expensive camera. Who m was this essay written by? No one has been told the news yet. Susan was amazed to find out that her book was missing. To Susan's amazement, her book was missing. We expect that the Australian athlete will win the race. It is expected that the Australian athlete will win the race. The Australian athlete is expected to win the race. ® Julie's parents allow her to go to parties. Julie's parents let her go to parties. Julie is allowed to go to parties. Julie's parents give her permission to go to parties. Julie is permitted to go to parties. Julie has her parents' permission to go to parties. Julie's parents don't allow her to go to parties. Julie's parents don't let her go to parties. Julie is not allowed to go to parties. Julie cannot get her parents' permission to go to parties. Julie is forbidden to go to parties. One must not smuggle goods into the country. It is not allowed to smuggle goods into the country. It is illegal to smuggle goods into the country. It is against the law to smuggle goods into the country. It is forbidden to smuggle goods into the country. Use o n ly one w ord in each space. Over the centuries, the wall has often 7 added to, rebuilt and repaired. This was done to give China protection invaders. The wall is still of great importance, as it divides Inner China from Outer China. B Com plete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar m eaning to the first sentence, using the w ord given unchanged. You m ust use betw een tw o and five w ords, in clu d in g the w ord given. You m ay use some of the w ords m ore than once. In some cases m ore than one w ord m ay be correct. A choose pick gather collect from the trees and packed in boxes. I have one coin that dates back to 1935. D tip clue another destination. H ensure insure 1 reassure make sure confirm you lock the windows before you go. B unit 0 8 This unit deals with verbs and nouns which derive from adjectives. CURIOUS 10 Can you sign this document, please? They have nothing in common. FERTILE Examination Practice A Read the text b e lo w and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. ADVERTISING In this day and age, advertising is big business. Advertisements are introduced through a of means. Advertising companies use a number of techniques to attract our attention, including stunning photography, eye-catching graphics, jingles or clever 7. However, many governments have introduced rules and regulations that advertisers must follow. In some countries, advertisements can be displayed only in specific areas. AIR-CONDITIONERS The American inventor W. Carrier developed the first air-conditioning unit in 1902. But what do they do? VARIOUS Prepositional Phrases A Com plete the blanks w ith the prepositions in, on, at, b y or under. A MIX, RUN, HANG knock down with a vehicle 1 John is a very good host. He knows how to mix with the crowd. Words with Prepositions A Com plete the blanks w ith prepositions. Grammar Revision Pronouns-Causative Form See G ram m ar R eview p age 158 Read the short texts below and complete each blank with on e word. However, after a few months I noticed that my car wasn't running very well. The problem was that I didn't have much money. He was kind enough to have a look at my car, and after that 9 10 ran smoothly again. First, I was seen by a physician who examined 16 ears, nose and throat. I was so relieved that I wouldn't be having any more tests done for a while. COOK, HOPE 2 There has been a. I have to buy an air-conditioner. INSURE, INSURE company will not pay for the damage. SENSE Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide w hich answ er A, B, C or D best fits each space. Criminal activity ranges from stealing to the more serious crimes of kidnapping and murder. Even the airport was put on alert and flights were delayed, as strict security measures. RESIST, DISCOVER Prepositional Phrases A Read the sentences and com plete them w ith the prepositions on, at, b y or to. I never make plans. B Complete the blanks with the prepositions in and out of. In some cases both prepositions can be used. A BRIN G, G IV E stop having or doing sth ' Bringing up children is a full-time job. He looks so depressed. He should consider studying something else. His behaviour was unacceptable. I promise to pay for the repair work. Begin w ith the w ord s given. He would buy a car if he saved enough money. I'll buy a bottle of water if I get thirsty. If Uiad-beenUjeftime-Mfflistei', Iwottkifravegiventots ofm©ney4©4he-poor; We use Conditional Sentences Type 2 for unreal situations in thepresent or future. © If I had studied harder last semester, I would have passed my exams. S Ifistadietl- teFdef iast-semester i would pass my -examsr- We use Conditional Sentences Type 3 for unreal situations in thepast. If she needed your help, she would call you. If he were taller, he could join a basketball team. Had she needed your help, she would have called you. If you should see Harry, ask him to return the books to the library. Should you see Harry, ask him to return the books to the Had he not helped me, I wouldn't have finished my essay. Camping is not for me. I mean, if we al! He speaks as if he is a lawyor. ® He acts as if he was rich. She wishes she was rich. © I wish to speak to the principal. I wish you to speak to the principal. S I hadtaottor you saw a doctor:—- ® Youhadbetterseeadoctor. I wish you would smoke less. I would rather not stay at home tonight. Iwould rather not staying at home tonight. ~ I would rather not have stayed at home yesterday. Iwould rather not had stayed at homo yestetday. S It would have been better if you had seen a doctor. I would have preferred it if we had hired a car. I would prefer us to have hired a car. It'sa pity we didn't hire a car. It's time for you to wash the dishes. If you saw her, you would think that she was working. If you had seen her, you would have thought that she was working. By her behaviour, you would assume that she was working. ® He prefers going out to watching TV. He prefers to go out rather than watch TV. He would prefer to go out rather than watch TV. Use only one w ord in each space. PROBLEMS CAUSED BY CARS Living in a modern world may have its advantages but it also has its disadvantages. There are no simple answers to this question and no serious effort has been made to find any either. Car pooling, for Instance, could be a solution to the problem. This simple programme calls for people to share their car with fellow workers to and from work. A lot of interest has been shown in car pooling and other more ambitious programmes are planned for the future. B Complete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar meaning to the first sentence, using the w ord given unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the w ord given. You m ay use some of the w ords m ore than once. In some cases, m ore than one w ord m ay be correct. D win beat 1 We have to. I need to find a new job. The verb create forms a noun in -ure, but its meaning is different: create 4 creature Pay attention to the following irregularities: m ix 4 mixture proceed 4 procedure sign 4 signature..................... Examination Practice A Read the text belo w and decide which answ er A, B, C or D best fits each space. Of course, you won't 7 anything by complaining. By this stage, you realise you are going to miss your connecting flight and now you must change your bookings. You feel 8 you're never going to get to your destination. However, there is the slight chance that you could be one of the lucky ones spending the night at a top class hotel at the expense of the airline that caused your problem in the first place. Prepositional Phrases A Complete the blanks with the prepositions in, on, at, for, of, with or to. C Complete the sentences with the prepositional phrases in the box below. A CALL return a phone call 1 Why don't you call your mother up and surprise her? I can't hear a word you're saying. Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. She needs tim e to think it over. Grammar Revision Reported Speech See G ram m ar R eview page 163 Change the following sentences into R e p o rte d Speech. Use one of the reporting verbs in the box below. Kim said that if she had money, she would go abroad. She said she wished she didn't have to work late. M y father promised that he would drive me to school. She complained that her coffee was too cold. The doctor suggested that I should exercise more. The doctor insisted on m y exercising more. The teacher forbade the students to move the desks. The teacher didn't let the students move the desks. The teacher didn't allow the students to move the desks. Mike promised to do the shopping. Mike promised that he would do the shopping. Mike agreed to do the shopping. Mike agreed that he would do the shopping. © Could you tell me the way to the beach? Could you tell me how to get to the beach? Use only one word in each space. A CAREER AT HOME Jodie Sutter is thirty-eight. She has tw o daughters and has recently changed her lifestyle. Jodie worked for ten years as a successful lawyer in a large legal firm in the city. She loved her job and was moving up the career ladder. Twelve-hour days were not uncomm on and her weekends were always busy. When she had her first child, though, things ch an g ed. Her husband also had a dem anding job and they soon realised that there was more to fam ily life than they had imagined. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. You may use some of the words more than once. In some cases, more than one word may be correct. When I'm tired I do the 2 My cousin John looks ju st. They even h a v e. It's v e ry. He is never late. At the m om ent I'm 61 kilograms, so I'm going on a diet. G stand resist tolerate suffer 1 I don't like people who lie and cheat. There are, however, some less predictable form ations. ITALY, SPEAK unit 1 4 11 He m anaged to find 12 The. IMMIGRATE, MEXICO 17 It was such a. RELIEVE SOLVE THEM ANY SUCCEED Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. Of course, her parents were annoyed with her decision, but I had to admit that I sympathised with her. I even helped her decide on a suitable destination. The tim e came for Lucy to depart. Seeing her parents cry made me feel responsible for what had happened. At Wimbledon in 1997, bad weather conditions didn't dampen his spirits. SECTION 1 FCE format For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning O. In Africa the birth rate has decreased from 6. This means fewer people being born for every elderly person. For instance, by 2 0 5 0 , Spain risks being the oldest country in the world. This will happen because of an overall rise in life expectancy, especially in the developed countries. In view of these facts, experts argue that 8. Use only one word in each space. Recently, however, the Dutch flow er growers have been 15 difficulties in coping with the tough com petition from abroad. Within a few short years, the Colombians have brought Holland's dom ination of the flow er industry to an end. All this in the hope of making people buy more flowers than they used to. Today the average Dutchm an buys 150 stems a year, 22 the Germans buy 8 0 stems and the English only 5 0 stems. These numbers are constantly declining. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning 0. DESERT ANIMALS Deserts are not 0 u n in fia S ite d INHABIT places as many people believe. DEPEND 28 of desert animals has revealed a lot about the strategies they OBSERVE employ to achieve this. SOME IS 0 L For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning O. Example: 0 When I was younger, I played tennis every Sunday. Our neighbour has been 8. If had I known b. If I knew a. Had I known d. Did I know c. The blue or the red one? We have had security locks installed on all doors and 9. It took Steve three weeks to reading to you. There is an example at the beginning 0. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. They like studying and writing essays and they enjoy the class discussions th at take place. The fact that they have made many sacrifices to get into university puts extra pressure on them to succeed. ANSWER SHEET 1 A included B related C involved D combined 1 A B C D 2 A able B succeed C manage D capable 2 A B C D 3 A Although B Despite C However D In spite of 3 A B C D 4 A grow B develop C rise D raise 4 A B C D 5 A in B over C out D up 5 A B C D 6 A fulfil B achieve C reach D earn 6 A B C D 7 A known B experienced C found out D recognised 7 A B C 8 A effect B affect C conclusion D consequence 8 A B C D 9 A eager B anxious C interested D im patient 9 A B C D A tolerate B resist C suffer D complain 10 A B C D 11 A Likewise B Furtherm ore C Nevertheless D Otherwise B C D 11 i A i i-----1 i-----1 12 B improves C progresses D advances 10 A creates 12 A B C D FCE test For questions 13-24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning 0. Write your word on the separate answer sheet. Example: 0 0 down 0 TV RATINGS As you settle 0 down in front of your television, have you 13 watched while we're wondered how TV ratings are calculated? Don't worry, we're not 14 in front of the TV. To count the latter, the day, tim e and channel are im printed by the electronic meter. If there is 2 2 than one viewer, then the household is given a special rem ote control. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning 0. W rite your word on the separate answer sheet. Example: 0 philosopher 0 PYTHAGORAS Pythagoras was a 0 phiCosopher He was well known as a great 25 born on the Aegean island of Samos. Without doubt, his to the scientific world will always be acknowledged. DO NOT W RITE HERE 25 25 26 11— i 26 i 27 27 i-----11— i 28 28 29 i 29 i i-----1 30 30 31 31 i— i i——i 32 32 33 33 c zn i---- 1 34 34 CONTRIBUTE FCE test For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning 0. Write only the missing words on the separate answer sheet. Example: 0 When I was younger, I played tennis every Sunday. DO NOT WRITE HERE 35 35! Do you have b. Our house looks dirty. When the firefighters arrived, the fire was out of control but a. She stayed at home. If we had informed b. If we were informed c. Had we informed d. Had we been informed 16. In spite of a. She was so beautiful in that dress that I couldn't take my b. Anne accused T im breaking her sunglasses. She's clearly superior 32. Over the years we have grown rather fond of foreign 37. What vacuum cleaner during the sales. I prefer to use my credit 53. Famous people know that even when they wear dark a. How can I lend you my car when yo u're only fifteen. She heads in case of an accident. Accept just to keep them company. D on 't throw that box away! Water boils at 100° C. We're staying at my grandmother's at the moment. The ship sails at 9 o 'clock. When I was five, my father gave me a bicycle. Last summer we went swimming every day. I was driving along the street, when a rabbit jumped in front o f my car. While my sister was cooking, I was reading a magazine. I've had this car since 1995. Ian has been watching TV all day. Her car is so shiny! She's been waxing it all morning! This is the best film I've ever seen. The dog has spilt the milk on the floor! The floor is dirty. By Monday, we had finished rehearsing the school play. He had been driving for 20 years when he had his first car accident. The children were exhausted because they had been playing football all morning. This time next month, 1will be sending you a postcard from Hawaii. The acrobat is losing his balance; he's going to fall. We're going to renovate our summer house during the holidays. They were going to go to Chris'party, but they changed their mind. Stative Verbs The following groups of verbs express states -not actions- and are not used in the progressive tenses. This pizza tastes delicious. At the moment, I think we should keep calm. I see you've cut your hair. I'm seeing an old friend tonight. I'm thinking of moving into a new apartment. I didn't hear the telephone ring because I was listening to music. Unit 2 Relative Clauses - Clauses of Time RELATIVE CLAUSES Relative clauses are introduced by relative pronouns who, whom, whose, which, that and relative adverbs where, when, why. Defining The man, who was found guilty of m any crimes, was sentenced to life imprisonment. Defining Her cat, which had lovely grey fur, was a gift from her parents. Defining Her cat, which was given to her six months ago, has already had kittens. I met a girl whose father is a pilot. Defining Coco Chanel, whose original first name was Gabrielle, was the first to design simple women's clothes. Defining Ul A new age in space exploration started in 1969, when Neil A rm strong walked on the moon for the first tim e. The more we learn, the wiser we get. She advised her husband to do as he was told. He used his coat as a blanket. She's a very good student. They own a house in the village. A dolphin is faster than a shark. Her brother is a doctor. A couple of friends came by the house yesterday. The definite article the is used before countable and uncountable nouns both in the singular and the plural. She bought two T-shirts and a dress yesterday but she likes the dress best. Alain Delon, Regent Street, Paris, Sicily, Germany, Africa, Mont Blanc, Easter, Monday, July, Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park, Lake Victoria, Euston station, Vogue, tennis, cards, red, Psychology, Spanish. She goes to work by bus. She always makes the bed early in the morning. She brought me a magazine. Harvey Nichols, Barclay's bank. One is used when we emphasise the quantity. She brought me one magazine only one. Some, any, a little etc. To specify the quantity of uncountable nouns we use expressions like a piece of advice, news , a bar of chocolate, soap , etc. Uncountable nouns describe food e. Some, any and no are used with countable and uncountable nouns. Each and every are used only with singular countable nouns. The compounds of some, any, no and every cannot be used with nouns. Did you see anyone running? Would you like some tea? Could 1help you with something? You haven't done anything terrible. You can buy this magazine anywhere. No other negative words can be used never, not, etc. You have nothing to do with my problems. Every student needs books. EACH is used: Not everybody can do a cartwheel. Each athlete received a medal. Every one of + plural noun. Every one o f the children came up with an excuse. Are there many cars in the street today? I'll do as much as 1can. Much trouble has been caused by this war. I've only read a few pages. There's very little cheese in the fridge. A lot o f people like chocolate. A lot, lots and plenty can be used without nouns. Don't buy any more cheese; we Ve got a lot. They both know how to dance the tango. Skiing or snow boarding? Either sport is enjoyable. Most teenagers like pop music. Most o f my schoolmates are noisy. All o f my children enjoy picnics. All 1want is a little peace. Neither dress fitted me well. Which book did you like best? The whole world knows that China has the biggest population. A ll of the world knows that China has the biggest population. Do you need anything? I need something a machine to cut the grass with. I didn't need his advice. You mustn't smoke in here. He can't enter that room; it's for staff only. Past and future tenses are formed with have to. He must take the dog for a walk. He had to take the dog for a walk last night but he forgot to. Grammar Review Unit 8 Passive Voice Passive Voice stresses the action itself, not who or what caused it. VERB FORMS IN THE PASSIVE VOICE. Verb Forms Active Voice Passive Voice Present Simple Producers make horror films every year. Horror films are made every year. Present Progressive We are removing the furniture right now. The furniture is being removed right now. Past Simple The technician repaired my TV yesterday. My TV was repaired yesterday. Past Progressive They were pursuing the thief when there was an explosion. The thief was being pursued when there was an explosion. Present Perfect Simple We have finished these reports. These reports have been finished. Past Perfect Simple They had made a statem ent in Parliament before the war broke out. A statement had been made in Parliament before the war broke out. A speech on technology will be made tomorrow. Going to They are going to hire a new employee. A new employee is going to be hired. Future Perfect Simple 1will have typed my thesis by next month. My thesis will have been typed by next month. Present Infinitive We ought to finish the building before the end of the year. The building ought to be finished before the end of the year. Perfect Infinitive We should have finished th e building earlier. The building should have been finished earlier. We all appreciate being helped. Modal verbs You must clean your room. Your room must be cleaned. Imperative Please fill in this form. The new tax law was announced by the Prime Minister. Note the following changes in: Active Voice Passive Voice Verbs with two objects He gave her a painting. She was given a painting. A painting was given to her. Question words what, who, when, where, why, how Who composed this song? Who was this song composed by? None of the students were expelled. Nothing was found in the excavations. I heard her scream. She was heard to scream. It is said that he is very wealthy. He is said to be very wealthy. He is said to have been very wealthy. People say that he was very wealthy. My father allowed me to borrow his car. The Mayor gave us perm ission to use the old building for our rehearsals. Be given permission be allowed to do sth get sb's permission to do sth She is allowed to stay out late. We g o t the Mayor's permission to use the old building for our rehearsals. She's not allowed to stay out late. Smoking is prohibited in this section. It is forbidden to enter that room. PARTICIPLES The Perfect participle is used for an action that happened before another one in the past. Having been h it by an earthquake, the small town took 15 years to return to its previous condition. The past participle is used in the passive voice to replace Examples a relative clause The dresses worn by film stars on the night of the Oscar awards are all designer labels. The cousin of the g irl who lives next door is a student. John and Mary's house. John's and Mary's cars. The little girl likes herself in that red dress. She hurt herself while trying to cut the bread. We enjoyed ourselves very much at your party. The young people took care o f themselves while camping. She doesn't look herself lately; something must be wrong with her family. This phone is broken; you can use the one over there. It can also go with expressions Mary and John enjoyed themselves at the zoo yesterday. Mary and John liked each other from the moment they met. I'd like another steak please. I'm afraid you'll have to wait for another ten minutes. CAUSATIVE FORM The Causative Form is used when we do not do something ourselves, but we arrange for someone else usually an expert to do it for us. How often do you have your hair cut? When did you have your car serviced? My dress was too long so I got it shortened. We had the tap fixed by the plumber. She had her children clean the living room. She got her children to clean the living room. Unit 10 Consolidation II mm Grammar Review U nit 11 Clauses of concession, reason, purpose and result CLAUSES OF CONCESSION! Even though he's smart, he didn't get into the course he wanted. Though we knew the way, we got lost. We managed to climb the mountain despite the rain. In spite of the fact that he was sleepy, he drove home safely. Clever though he is, he couldn't solve the problem. Cloudy though it was, we got sunburnt. No matter how much she ate, she didn't get fat. I'll go to the party, no matter what you say. Sam came by yesterday; however, he forgot to bring the book 1had lent him. Since you're a vet, you can have a look at my canary. Due to her allergy, she never touches daisies. She told him to come along so as to introduce him to her friends. I'm learning Portuguese in order to go to Brazil next year. We thought o f staying home for the whole week, so that we could rest. We always had an extra tyre in the car, in case we got a flat tyre. J in f in it iv e Examples The thief was wearing a mask, so as not to be recognisable. She tied her key around her neck in order not to lose it. The sea isn't warm enough for us to swim in. The weather was so cold yesterday that nobody dared to go out. It was so hot a day that we decided to go swimming. Your baby is so cute! What a surprise to meet you here! When they precede, we separate them with a comma. If you can hear me, give me a sign. Give me a sign if you can hear me. If you should buy that car, take it to the mechanic to have it checked first. Should you buy that car, take it to the mechanic to have it checked first. If she were more polite, people would like her more. Were he more careful, he would avoid such awkward situations. If 1had taken better care of my teeth, 1wouldn't have had this terrible toothache. We can have combinations according to the context Mixed Conditionals If they left early, they would have arrived by now. Use type 2 Conditional If 1could go on a holiday, 1would go to Peru. If only 1were in Jamaica! It's high time you quit this job! It's time for him to ask for a raise. Examples If she had been more careful, she wouldn't have crashed into the tree. If only 1hadn't forgotten my passport! He'd rather not take the test tomorrow. I'd rather not have eaten so much at the dinner party yesterday. Past reference would rather + subject + Past Perfect He would rather she hadn't cut her hair so short. NOTE Would rather + bare infinitive + than + bare infinitive Would sooner is used in the same way as would rather I'd sooner go to the East than to America. I'd rather sleep than watch TV. Its subject is the same as that of the verb. Past reference It would have been better if + Past Perfect It would have been better if she had admitted her guilt. Unit 14 Reported Speech In Reported Speech we give the meaning of what someone said with some changes and without quotation marks. Past Progressive They said that they were planning to throw a big party. Past Perfect Simple Maria said that she had had a great time the previous day. Present Perfect Simple The boy said that he had been wandering in the woods. Present Perfect Progressive Sam told his dad that they had already cleaned the car. Can Mike told Tina that he would tell her where he would be. Alice said that he might be lost. Mum told Bruce that he had to brush his teeth. He said that it must be late. Mark said that 1mustn't touch that. W ould, could, m ig h t, should, o u g h t to do n o t change. Steven says, 7 have been looking for a good book all day. It is still today. Grammar Review UESTIONS Questions are reported with the verbs ask, inquire, wonder, w ant to know, etc. CO M M AN DS - REQUESTS - ADVICE They are reported with the verbs tell, ask, beg, order, command, advise, forbid, warn, encourage, etc. H short of sth adj. Read the text again, one sentence at a time. Read the ® Decide which of the four choices is best in this context. Try to guess what part of speech is missing and what the meaning of the missing word is. ® Do not look at the four choices or guess the answer until you've tried to understand what the sentence means. If you aren't sure about the right answer, try to eliminate three of the four alternatives starting with the words that don't make sense. Read the text again including the words you used to fill in the gaps to see if it makes sense. ~~— © Skim-read the text to get an idea of what it is about. Read the whole sentence, not just the words before and after the gap, as there may be clues that could help you. Note that sometimes you may find clues in other sentences, too. Try to guess what part of speech is missing and what the meaning of the missing word is. © Remember most of the missing words will be grammatical words, prepositions, pronouns, auxiliary verbs, articles, linking words etc. If you think that two or more words are suitable, you will have to choose and write only one. Part 3: Word Formation Skim-read the text to get an idea of what it is about. Decide what part of speech is needed to fill in the gap. The words to be formed will usually be nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs. Sometimes you might also add an ending to the derivative e. Note, however, that you never need to make more than two changes to the given word. © Make sure the new word and given word have a common root and that you have spelt the new word correctly. Read the text again including the words you used to fill in the gaps to see if it makes sense. Consider what kind of transformation is required, e. Look for clues in both the given and the incomplete sentences. Check for accuracy of grammar and spelling. Exam Tips for All Parts of the Paper 0 When dealing with each of the four parts, start with the questions that seem easy to you. Leave the ones you aren't sure about until later. Go back and try to answer it later. Make a sensible guess rather than leave a question unanswered. ECCE In this part of the test there are 35 multiple-choice items which test basic knowledge of grammar. Candidates are required to choose a word or phrase which will complete the given sentence in a grammatically correct way. ® Look out for words e. There are 35 multiple-choice items in this section which test basic knowledge of vocabulary. Candidates are required to choose the word or phrase which is appropriate in the context of the sentence. You can even try to use these new words in your own example sentences. This helps you remember new vocabulary instead of simply memorising their definitions in your mother tongue. Learn how to break down words in order to find the root, prefix and suffix. This will not only help you learn more words but also help you understand how they are formed. This will automatically increase your awareness of the language. Appendix 1 Prepositional Phrases A T at + address at a glance at a loss at all costs at ease at first at first sight at heart a t... » GENERAL SPELLING RULES 1 When the root word ends in consonant +e, the final -e is dropped when adding a suffix th at starts with a vowel e. MOUTSOU Use of English 1 Use of English This book systematically teaches grammar and vocabulary and helps students develop all the skills necessary to succeed in all exams at B2 level.